Maybe I'll leave all the lights on
I haven't been staying very on top of my bills lately (my mail pile is a little scary); more just looking at what I had sent the month before to whichever company, and sending them the same or maybe more. Yesterday I actually cracked open my newest electric company "bill", and apparently I have a $400 credit balance with them at the moment. I think it would be neat if I could go around just spending random gobs of that accumulated electricity. Want to zap that slow old lady in line at the Safeway with a few volts for trying to use a ball of lint as a coupon? That'll be $.50, please. A couple of amps at an intersection junction box to make that light change faster? $1.25 sounds reasonable. Some sort of electric petting machine to placate this cat that is glommed to me like some sort of growth while I'm trying to work? I would gladly pay $5 an hour for that service.