I had to take a few days off after my first attempt. My quads were wrecked, to the point where i had a hard time crouching until today. After extensive consultation with "my running coaches":http://apadventures.net/ I did the "same loop":http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=20502 today, but slowed it way, WAY down. The result? Now my shins are a little achey, but my quads feel ok. At this rate, I expect to have the pain confined to just my tonails by next week.
1.4 miles
3.6 mph avg speed
22 minutes
In other health news I finally got around to putting up a "hangboard outside":http://www.flickr.com/photos/feralboy/100497154/, and had my first workout at lunch. Also going to be going on a nice bike ride past Saguaro East with my hippie friend "Darcey":http://www.desertmedicinewoman.com/about.html on Saturday morning, so I've got all the fitness bases covered this week. Sometimes New Year's resolutions can be a good thing.