lots of stuff has been happening... i think i'll work backwards.
first and foremost, verisign finally got their act together. i had recieved another phonecall wednesday evening telling me that the fax i sent them was fine and dandy, but they still needed an "authorizing signature" to make everything go through. sent that thursday morning, and finally got an email just a short while ago telling me that they have finally reset my password. you can even see my fancy new dns mappings! by the time i get back from this weekend, the dns should be all propagated and stuff, and i'll be able to start developing on my new .net site.
i had to stay a little bit late at work tonight in order to get my latest project out the door. on the walk to the bus, i was going right through the middle of "light-up night". it was a zoo, and the rain was starting to come down and get even colder, so i was happy to get out of there. (btw, what's up with that woman's hair???)
so, after reading my entry about bike-hunting, my homeslice paul hooked me up! he has a gently used trek cross bike (and it was even housed in my building; mutual friend holding on to it for him), so i'm going to take that off his hands, and put some swanky components on it.
wednesday night i watched the penguins lose to the canadiens in overtime. the slf had gotten some really kickass seats, tho. we were in prime puck-catching territory, if not for those snazzy nets.